Jewelry Care Tips & FAQ's

These products contain chemicals that can react with the metals and stones in your jewelry, potentially causing discoloration or damage. It’s advisable to apply these products before putting on your jewelry.

Yes, removing your jewelry before bedtime helps prevent unnecessary wear and tear. This is particularly important for pieces with delicate elements that could be damaged during sleep.

It is recommended to remove your jewelry before bathing, showering, and swimming. Water exposure, especially in these activities, can affect certain metals and gemstones, leading to potential damage.

Yes, removing your jewelry during physical activities helps prevent stress and potential damage. Certain activities can put extra strain on jewelry, increasing the risk of wear or breakage.

It is advisable to clean your jewelry after each use to remove accumulated dirt, sweat, and residues. Additionally, occasionally wiping your jewelry with a soft cloth helps maintain its appearance.

Yes, a soft cloth is suitable for wiping your jewelry. Ensure that the cloth is clean and free from any abrasive materials that could scratch the jewelry.

While these guidelines are generally applicable, it’s essential to consider the specific materials used in your jewelry. Always refer to any care instructions provided by the Michael Nash brand to ensure proper maintenance.